Why does the Dollar value of upvotes change after the vote has been made?

Thomas is a big Steemit fan, but for a while, he had a hard time understanding one thing… why does the value of an upvote change after the vote has been made?

upvote value
After seven days, the value of your post will never change again!

Thomas is sometimes using voting-bots to give his articles more attention and a higher income. But, it was once when he paid for an upvote that he suddenly noticed that the upvote was worth 2,5 USD at first, and then the next time he watched, the value was only 2,40 USD. What happened? Why did the value of the upvote suddenly change?

Since then Thomas has also experienced the value change to a higher value. What is going on?

Thomas theory on the matter

There are for sure people in the Steemit community that knows this much better than Thomas but based on his studies, this is what you should know.

  1. The value can only change during the first 7 days (before payout). After that, the value will be stuck and never change again.
  2. The value of an upvote is based on the Steem price. In other words, if you get an upvote worth 2,5USD, but then the price of Steem drops within the coming minutes, hours, days, this will also impact the value of the upvote you received.

This is the answer Thomas gives to himself on this question. Have you asked the same question? Do you have the same answer, or do you have another answer to the same question?

Thank you for reading!

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