Thomas tests the “Console Back Buttons for PS4 controllers” from TEMU.

Thomas is a gamer. He loves to play. In fact, he can get quite addicted and forget about all the other necessary and important tasks he needs to get done as he sits down in front of his computer or with his Playstation. He loves playing strategy games, but he is also a big fan of games such as Call of Duty, Fortnite, Valorant, and many others.

Thomas had a dream of buying an expensive SCUF controller, but since he couldn’t really afford one, he decided to buy a cheap addition from TEMU instead… so-called “back buttons for PS4 controllers.” What’s the thing with those? You don’t need to buy a brand new controller costing more than €150, but instead, you can use your existing controller and spend €10 to buy some additional back buttons.

back buttons for ps4 controller

Thomas placed his order and waited for the package to be sent. Earlier, it had often taken months for packages to arrive after he ordered them from China, but TEMU promised that it should arrive much faster. Thomas had a hard time believing it, but in approximately 2 weeks the order arrived and Thomas was ready to give it a try.

back buttons instructions

It was extremely easy to attach the back buttons to the controller and everything worked perfectly from the first second. Thomas launched Fornite and decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, he had to update the game, so it took him more than an hour to get ready, but once the game started, he configured the back buttons and gave it a try. It took a while for him to find the best possible combinations in which he could take advantage of the additional buttons, but after some hours of testing, he had already gotten used to the new buttons.

Now Thomas has forgotten about the expensive SCUF controller (luckily), and he is more than happy with the €10 back buttons he ordered from TEMU.

Thomas has noticed that there are lots of poor products on TEMU, but this isn’t one of them. He is very satisfied, and this is a product he can easily recommend to others as well!

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